Enjoy this healthier, high-protein version of your favorite mint chocolate chip ice cream in a smoothie loaded with nutrients.
What if we told you that wearing sunscreen every day might be blocking the many amazing benefits of the sun? Read on to find out if you need to give sunscreen a break.
Enjoy this super creamy dairy-free smoothie made with a fun, new ingredient that we haven't used in our smoothies before...tahini!
Overcome the common hurdles that might be getting in the way of your "get healthy" plans by following these super simple solutions.
Just when you think you know everything about fruits and veggies, we go and throw these fun facts at you.
Maybe this sounds a little weird but we promise, it tastes incredible and is super fun to eat! It takes your banana nut butter game up a notch.
Boost your brain power with these healthy foods and activities that will fire up your cognition and memory to support a healthy brain for years to come.
Win the picnic by bringing this mayo-free cole slaw. We added protein (chickpeas) to make it a meal, but leave it out and it’s a terrific veggie side dish.
If the eyes are the window to your soul, then the skin could be considered the window to your gut.
Enjoy your favorite chocolate mint combo in this raw dessert that actually has some nutrients too!
Have prices for produce trended upwards while snack foods have gotten less costly? The answer may not be as simple as we think.