
Ask the Nutritionist

10 Reboot Mistakes and How to Fix Them

We often talk about what you should do when Rebooting but we rarely discuss what NOT to do and what common slip-ups can derail your efforts.

Killer Kale? We Don’t Think So

Kale has been in the headlines after some studies found heavy metal toxicity in some individuals who ate large quantities of it. Here's what you need to know.

Juicing for Improved Energy

More energy and wellbeing are up there with weight loss when it comes to why people choose a juice cleanse or regular daily juices. Here's how juicing boosts your energy.

Guess How Much Almond is in Your Almond Milk

How many almonds are in your almond milk? Probably a lot less than you think. Many commercial brands contain just 2% almonds.

5 Essential Oils for Allergy Relief

There are many remedies for allergies, and we're adding another to your list. Here are five powerful essential oils that offer natural relief.

9 Weight Loss Myths Debunked

Unfortunately, there's a lot of conflicting information about nutrition, some of it is backed with the latest research while others are old myths that won’t die! If you tell someone that you’re trying to lose weight, you will probably be inundated with tips, tricks and facts so here are 9 weight loss myths that you should ignore.

3 Budget-Friendly Tips from My Cheap Reboot

Sticker shock is relatively common when it comes to Rebooting. But Rebooting doesn’t have to empty your wallet. Here are 3 easy tips to save your money.

9 Natural Ways to Ease the Acid Reflux Burn

Acid reflux… ouch! It’s that burning, upset stomach feeling that just won’t go away, and it usually comes at an inconvenient time. Here are the tips to prevent it.

Is Breakfast Really the Most Important Meal of the Day?

Here's something you've probably heard on repeat: Breakfast is the most important meal of the day! Find out if it holds true.