

Cardio Carrot Ginger Dressing Recipe by Andrea Beaman

A healthy, delicious salad dressing nationally renowned Holistic Health Coach and Natural Foods Chef, Andrea Beaman.

Why You CAN Lose Weight without Counting Calories

Here at Reboot we discourage placing importance on calorie counting when losing weight and improving your health for many reasons! Find out why...

Cinco de Mayo Jugo

Not only are the limes great for their immune-boosting and digestive properties, but they’re also a key part of the upcoming Cinco de Mayo celebrations! Perfect because this juice has just 5 ingredients too!

Get to Know Gluten (& 5 Healthy Swaps)

Gluten and gluten-free diets are all the rage these days. Here I break down exactly what it is, why people are sensitive, and five healthy swaps so you can still enjoy your favorite recipes!

Stacy’s Simply Green Juice

Enjoy this simple, healthy, and delicious crowd favorite.

Smart Sweet: Banana Coco-Nuts Dessert Smoothie

Is there any more perfect trifecta than nuts, chocolate and coconut? This smoothie satisfies those cravings while providing beneficial electrolytes, B vitamins, omega 3 fatty acids, and a healthy dose of protein and fiber.

3 Big Reasons We Love Farmers Markets & Local Produce

If you’re wondering why farmers markets may just be the greatest thing to pop up in your neighborhood this spring, here are 3 big reasons why you should seek out your local farmers market.

Zucchini Macadamia Pesto Roll-ups

A spin on the traditional Italian pesto, this delicious, healthy, vegan recipe is sure to be a family favorite.

Bobby Reached Under 300 Lbs for the First Time in 16 Years

I wanted to go into 2014 setting some serious goals for myself, both physically, musically, and mentally"