

Sweet Beet & Celeriac Soup

This delicious soup contains antioxidants that come from the rich-red pigment of the beets and orange glow from the butternut squash.

The Burger that Beets

A great versatile vegan burger that is 100% goodness.

Roasted Tomato & Garlic Soup

Here’s a delicious new soup recipe that fits perfectly into your healthy eating plans.

‘Beet’ the Heat Juice

When your workout makes you extra sweaty, drink this juice to recover.

Apple Pie Smoothie

Craving Apple Pie? Don't want to ruin all your hard work? This is the recipe for you!

Sweet Stinging Nettle Juice

The stinging nettle herb in this juice offers specialized medicinal actions. Need we say more?

Sweet & Spicy Toasted Pumpkin Seeds

A delicious, healthy snack that helps decrease inflammation.

Chocolate Hazelnut Cupcakes with Avocado Frosting

Made from healthy fats, these cupcakes are delicious and nutritious!