By Jamie Webber
Every year we add hundreds of new recipes for you to enjoy on Many of you come to our site for new recipes, so we never want to stop providing them — we love new recipes too! The recipes we share range from juices (of course!) and smoothies, to entrees and desserts, and many others in between. We love keeping tabs of the ones you love, because that helps us know what type of recipes you enjoy the most.
Since we’re already one week into 2015, we’re reflecting on 2014 and compiling the recipes that were most popular throughout all of 2014. That doesn’t necessarily mean they were first shared in 2014 as some of these have been around since day one of Reboot, but it simply signifies that the recipes below are the ones you visited the most on our site this year. And we think it’s safe to assume that these are the ones you’re making the most in your kitchen. By looking at the list below, it’s clear you love your juices. And a few desserts here and there!
If you need a little recipe inspiration for 2015, get started with these favorites.
5. Whipped Roasted Cauliflower & Onion Soup
6. Chocolate-Almond Crunch Cookies (Made from Almond Milk Pulp!)
8. Savory or Sweet Cashew Cream