
The Truth About Cholesterol

If you've been trained to believe that dietary cholesterol is bad for blood cholesterol, it may time to rethink that statement. Our nutritionists explains.

“I was poisoned with medication!”

"I was depressed and the medication I was taking made me gain so much weight." Read Jeannette's full story of transformation.

Jerry Transforms His Life after Two Reboots to become an Energetic Dad

Jerry made a decision to get healthy for himself, his wife and his kids. He wanted to be the energetic dad, not someone who sits on the couch and watches the kids.

After a 60 Day Reboot, Fidencio is 40lbs Lighter with a Brand New Wardrobe

After a 60 Day Reboot, Fidencio G. lost more than 40lbs, he lowered his cholesterol and triglycerides, his energy levels skyrocketed.

8 Tips to Help You Naturally Lower Your Cholesterol

We all know that our diet can cause high serum cholesterol and triglycerides but did you know you can lower your bad (LDL) cholesterol and improve your good (HDL) cholesterol with simple dietary changes?

Chris H. Completes 60 Day Reboot on $40 Per Week

This is the kickstart to a new life. During the Reboot I learned the basics of nutrition. I’m never going back to the way I was before.

Michael M. Sees Food Differently after his 60 Day Reboot

I am more active with my family and I've dramatically improved my health.