
Jerry Transforms His Life after Two Reboots to become an Energetic Dad

Name:  Jerry S.
Age:  42
Location: Clearfield, UT
Reboot: 50 day all juice Reboot in Jan-Feb 2012, 60 day all juice Reboot in Jan-Feb 2013
Health Improvements: I began the first Reboot over 345 pounds and I ended my last Reboot at 222 pounds.  2012 I was prescribed medication for high cholesterol.  Now I have normal cholesterol, no medications needed.

How did you learn about Reboot with Joe?
I found Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead” on Netflix.  Then I looked up information online to help me in my journey.

What inspired you to do a Reboot?
My sister sent me a picture of myself at my highest weight and most unhappiest.  It was an eye opener.  I made a decision that I needed to get healthy for myself and my wife and kids.  I wanted to be an energetic dad, not someone who sits on the couch and watches the kids from the sidelines.

How did the experience go for you?
It took a lot of will power but after I did it for a time (about a week), it was easier.  The second Reboot was easier in some ways because I knew I could do it.

Did you have any notable health or physical improvements?
I had an obvious weight loss of 123 pounds. I was also on cholesterol medications and now am off them with normal cholesterol.  I was also pre-diabetic and now am healthy with no discernible risk of diabetes.

What was the toughest part about the Reboot experience?
Watching other people eat foods that I really wanted to eat.  The smell of food would drive me insane.

What habits have you maintained and kept a part of your everyday life?
I now eat all types of vegetables and have for the two years.  I used to avoid them at all costs.  Now I actually enjoy vegetables.  I’ve maintained my weight loss within 5-10 pounds.  I run on a treadmill for one hour a day.  I’m active and chase after my daughter who is very active.

What is your lasting impression of the Reboot experience?
I could really relate to Joe and Phil as I was also an over the road driver.  Now I am a stay at home dad and living a much healthier lifestyle for me and my family.  This experience has changed my life.  I have committed to this permanent change in my life.