

Healthy Snack: Granola Smart Hearts

Show some love for your body by making these Granola Hearts. They'll keep you fueled, filled and happy.

Super-C Immune-Boosting Smoothie

Take extra care to boost your immune system during cold season by making this healthy smoothie packed with vitamin C.

‘Spring Clean’ Your Skin this Weekend

Spring cleaning should take place not only in our physical spaces but also in our daily routines - that includes skincare! Give your skin a fresh start with this 3-ingredient, all natural exfoliant.

Chocolate Hazelnut Cupcakes with Avocado Frosting

Made from healthy fats, these cupcakes are delicious and nutritious!

4-Ingredient Blueberry & Mango Jellies

Agar Agar is the key ingredient to these delicious and healthy jellies.

Edible Skincare: Turmeric-Pumpkin Face Mask

Pumpkin alone in a face mask works wonders for your skin but this recipe ups the ante for a super star autumn skin boost!

Chocolate Almond Cookies

Filled with fibre and vitamins, these cookies are deliciously healthy so you can enjoy National Chocolate Day and Halloween guilt-free.

Joe’s Hiking Fuel: A Recipe for Delicious Granola

Ever wondered how Joe manages to constantly be on the go? Here is one way! This recipe is easy to make and loaded with healthy fats, protein and vitamins and minerals like zinc which is important for immune function, this tasty snack is delicious!