
green smoothie recipe

Low FODMAP Fruit & Veggie Smoothie

Whether you are looking for FODMAP-friendly recipes or a smoothie recipe sans banana, you will love this tasty green smoothie.

Thyroid-Friendly Pear & Chard Smoothie

Fill up on this thyroid-friendly green smoothie that's loaded with beautiful chard, sweet pears, citrusy lemon, skin-boosting cucumber and electrolyte-rich coconut water.

Super Green & Creamy Smoothie

Because you know we're all about the greens with a little taste of sweetness, this smoothie is the whole shebang.

Almond Butter Banana Oat Smoothie

When you're feeling like a rich, creamy, and satisfying smoothie that's not too heavy, this nutrient-packed blend might be exactly what you're looking for.

Pineapple-Pom (Pain-Relieving) Smoothie

This green, antioxidant-rich, anti-inflammatory smoothie proves that taste doesn't have to be compromised when you're being good to your body.

A Simple Green Smoothie that Hydrates

Need to hydrate? Every ingredient in this green smoothie will do wonders for you.

Fiber-Rich Fig Smoothie (With Lots of Greens!)

Consuming extra greens in the diet is so easily done with smoothies, especially when they taste as good as this one.