

Thai-Inspired Reboot Salad

A refreshing and light salad; the spices and herbs in the dressing make for a wonderful detoxification and cleanse aid.

Curried Butternut Squash Soup – Meatless Monday Recipe of the Week

Warm up your Meatless Monday with this hearty soup!

Prevent Hypertension and Maintain a Healthy Heart

Find out the importance of preventing high blood pressure and foods for a healthy heart.

Wilted Kale and Summer Squash Salad with Parsley Gremolata

Make the most of this late season squash by pairing it with everyone’s favorite superfood, Kale! Top it all with a zesty and green parsley gremolata and you have yourself a winning dish. Enjoy!

Electrify your Reboot!

Why not water alone? Electrolytes are important nutrients that play many vital roles in our body including the conduction of electrical impulses essential for maintaining a healthy heart rhythm, muscle contractions and overall cellular stability.  These include sodium, potassium, magnesium and calcium.

Potato and Peach Soup – Recipe of the Week

Fall is officially here. For me, that means cooler weather and a strong desire to make warm, comforting soups.