

8 Habits That Cause A Bloated Belly

Ever find yourself feeling bloated, sluggish and uncomfortable with what feels like a swollen belly? You may be experiencing bloat. Bloating can come from many things and there are lots of ways to figure out how to prevent it from continuing to sabotage a great day of feeling well.

Meatless Monday: Whipped Roasted Cauliflower and Onion Soup

Whipped Roasted Cauliflower & Onion Soup: It’s thick, creamy and satisfying AND only requires 5 ingredients.

Kathlyn Finds Juicing to Be “The Secret Elixir” to Curing Her Severe Acne

I struggled with severe acne for the past four years. After numerous failed visits to the dermatologist, I watched “Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead” which inspired me.