

Joe’s Hiking Fuel: A Recipe for Delicious Granola

Ever wondered how Joe manages to constantly be on the go? Here is one way! This recipe is easy to make and loaded with healthy fats, protein and vitamins and minerals like zinc which is important for immune function, this tasty snack is delicious!

A Seasonal Soup: Turnip, Apple & Butternut Squash

This tasty soup is rich in vitamins that can help you fight off the winter flu!

6 Powerful Anti-Cancer Plant Foods

Find out 6 that I recommend to start eating today to help fight cancer.

Coconut Cauliflower-Kale Puree

This soup is anti-inflammatory, heart healthy and has lots of vitamins and nutrients especially vitamins B and K as well as Omega 3's.

Addicted to Junk Food? It’s Not Your Fault

People often blame lack of will power on why they can’t say no to junk food. There is more than meets the eye on this one and a whole lot of science!

Edible Skincare: Carrot-Apple-Lemon Brightening Face Scrub

When juicing gives you pulp, make a face scrub!

5 Juicing Tips to Make it Simple, Fast & Fun

Here are my top 5 tips for simple, fast, enjoyable juicing!

Support Your Body’s Fat Burner

Surprising fact: The most important metabolic organ in your body that supports weight loss, weight maintenance and weight control is your LIVER! Learn more here.

What’s up honey?

Honey is nature’s natural sweetener and since today is the last day of National Honey Month, we’re discussing everything you should know.