7 (More) Benefits of Juicing

Could there possibly be even more benefits of juicing? Yes, indeed! Preliminary research lays a foundation of support of juicing, mainly because juicing can be a vehicle to help get more fresh fruits and vegetables into your body, while cutting out excess added sugars and refined, processed or fatty foods, encouraging physical activity and overall wellness.

We’ve heard from Rebooters around the world how juicing can be of huge help to them, in a variety of ways.

Here are seven more reasons, juicing is so beneficial to your health.

  1. Enhance Exercise Performance

    It is rather well established that beet juice can help to enhance exercise endurance.  Numerous studies show that it’s natural nitric oxide may help to promote improved athletic performance in a variety of sports like cycling, swimming and running.

    Juice this: Heartbreak Hill Juice or Summer Games Inspired Sports Juice

  1. Maintain A Healthy Heart

    Flavonoid-rich foods, like fresh cherry juice may help to maintain a healthy heart, including blood pressure control.

    Juice this: Cherry Chia Smoothie or Ease Your Joints Juice

  1. Control Blood Sugar

    Blood sugar, insulin and weight control, therefore type 2 diabetes* may be improved by including fresh juice, according to preliminary, animal research.
    If you’re concerned about sugar content, you can learn more here: Sugar Shock and Juice. If you have type 2 diabetes and want to try juicing, I recommend trying our 60-Day Guided Reboot for Diabetes to help you get started.

    Juice this: Low Sugar Seasonal Citrus Juice or Mint Julep Low Sugar Green Juice

  1. Improve Liver Health

    Reversing a fatty liver can be achieved with healthy dietary changes and weight loss but juicing together with these changes will FAST track your results. Here is early research that suggests that fresh juice may help maintain liver health.

    Juice this: Wishing for Spring Juice or Cruciferous Salad

  1. Maintain A Sharp Mind

    Maintaining a sharp mind may be more possible with the inclusion of antioxidant rich fruit juice, like anthocyanin-rich blueberry, blackberry or grape juices. Blueberries specifically are quite the brain-powering food. Read more on the Benefits of Blueberries.

    Juice this: Red, White Blue (and Green) Juice or Purple Juice

  1. Improve Chronic Inflammation

    Diet is part of lifestyle choices that can play a role in promoting or reducing systemic inflammation. For example, excess intake of omega-6 fats, like highly processed soybean or “vegetable” oil found in many packaged and restaurant foods, is known to promote inflammation in the body, while its mirror image and counterpart, omega-3 fats, found in wild salmon, walnuts, hemp and chia, help to reduce inflammation.

    Many fruits and vegetables used to make fresh juice have naturally occurring phytonutrients with anti-inflammatory actions including bromelain in pineapple, tart cherries, ginger, garlic, turmeric and even fresh herbs like mint.

    Juice this: Quick Quencher Pineapple Juice or Ease your Joints Juice

  1. Enhance the Appearance of Your Skin

    Juicing, which often accompanies cutting processed, junk foods out of the diet, may help improve the overall look and feel of your skin. Skin issues are often correlated with food allergies or sensitivities like dairy and gluten.  Your Reboot is naturally gluten and dairy-free, plus fruits and vegetables contain compounds that help to promote healthy skin.  Cucumber is one notable veggie for healthy skin as it contains phytosterol compounds. Vitamin C and carotene-rich fruits and vegetables commonly used in juice can help nourish skin.

    Juice this: Sunburst Juice, Kickin Cucumber Melon Juice or Calcium Rich Cucumber Juice

*Be sure to work with a doctor before starting a juicing, diet or exercise program especially if you take prescription medications.