

You Know You’re on a Reboot When…(Funny!)

Rebooters can all relate to the following (funny) idiosyncrasies and thoughts that they experience while completing a Reboot plan. So we compiled a list of the most common experiences that let you know you're on a Reboot...

Memorial Day Mint Mocktail

This is one of my favorite juices to get me in the summertime spirit and is the perfect way to kick off Memorial Day Weekend!

Bobby Reached Under 300 Lbs for the First Time in 16 Years

I wanted to go into 2014 setting some serious goals for myself, both physically, musically, and mentally"

9 Rebooting Symptoms & Why You Get Them

A Reboot is a time where you only consume fruits and vegetables for a select period of time.

Four Belts in One Year, From XXL to Medium

"After a month of my juice fast I started running. On April 13th I will be running the London Marathon." Read Christopher's full story.

Take Your Body on Its Own Spring Break

Instead of spending this year’s spring break waiting for the wine-induced headache to clear, consider this time of renewal as an opportunity to take charge of your health.

Everything You Need to Know about Electrolytes

Consuming enough electrolytes is an important part of any Reboot plan but I often get asked where can I get them? So here's a break down of everything you need to know about electrolytes, where they come from, when to consume them, and our favorite juices to keep you full of them!