What to Eat After You Exercise
It's important to know that what and when you eat after a workout can have a huge effect on how you recover and how you feel the next time you hit the gym or the pavement.
My Big Wake Up Call Led to Big Weight Loss
The doctor said l was probably Type 2 diabetic with high blood pressure, fatty liver, DVT and blood levels that are all over the place.
Natural Fuel for Your Fitness Routine
Nutrition and exercise go hand in hand. That's something most of us know. But there’s a lot of information and sports nutrition products out there geared towards consumers that can cause confusion on what we really need pre- and post-workouts. Checkout these tips for the best sources to fuel up!
Glowing Orange & Red Electrolyte Juice
Enjoy this juice pre- or post-workout to enhance your sweat session!
A Smoothie to Help You Kick the Candy to the Curb
Craving something sweet? This is the smoothie for you! Due to all of the fiber-full fruits and veggies, this smoothie is nice and sweet!
24 Ways to Exercise Without the Gym
Ditch the gym and focus on being active in doing outside engaging activities with family members, friends or local community groups/clubs. Here are some ideas to get you started!
Shane’s Story: “Lean” into Exercise
Take Shane's tips for the one important factor that will help you “lean into exercise" and focus on the first step to a healthier, fitter you.
Shane’s Story: When I Realized I was Fat
I realized I had to start from the very beginning so I tried a program called ‘Couch Potato to 5k’. Learn tips in how to get started!