

The 80/20 Golden Reboot Rule: What Does It Mean?

When, you’re Rebooting, it’s important to follow our golden rule: drink juices that are made up of 80% veggies and 20% fruits.

Smart Sweet: Key Lime Pie Martini

This martini doesn't have alcohol in it, but it's so good that it might have you dancing on tables.

A Chef’s Juice: Mighty Green Grape

Experiment with new and unique ingredients, like asparagus and zucchini, with still an excellent taste!

Keep Your Kids Healthy While Traveling

While it can be easy to slip up on your health goals for your family due to the convenience of sugar loaded grab-and-go snacks, I want to help you stay focused to keep you and your kids healthy while you’re on the road.

In the Reboot Kitchen: “Mint” to Be Green

The mint in this juice adds flavor and health promoting phytonutrients like omega-3 fats.

24 Ways to Exercise Without the Gym

Ditch the gym and focus on being active in doing outside engaging activities with family members, friends or local community groups/clubs. Here are some ideas to get you started!

In the Reboot Kitchen: Twist of Lime & Fennel Juice

A little fennel and a twist of lime makes this a very light and refreshing juice that's naturally low in sugar.

Meatless Monday: Hail to Kale Salad

This salad is loaded with a variety of nutrients, not only from the kale but from all of the other goodies added to make it delightfully delicious and colorful.