

8 Habits That Cause A Bloated Belly

Ever find yourself feeling bloated, sluggish and uncomfortable with what feels like a swollen belly? You may be experiencing bloat. Bloating can come from many things and there are lots of ways to figure out how to prevent it from continuing to sabotage a great day of feeling well.

Meatless Monday: Whipped Roasted Cauliflower and Onion Soup

Whipped Roasted Cauliflower & Onion Soup: It’s thick, creamy and satisfying AND only requires 5 ingredients.

10 Foods You Need In Your Kitchen to Stay Healthy All Year

Have these top ten essential ingredients on hand to create delicious meals and snacks that keep you on track with your New Year’s resolutions.

Top 13 Recipes From 2013

Since the year is coming to a close we want to look back on our 13 most popular recipes that you've enjoyed this year.

Why Red & Green Are So Good For You

Beautiful, festive red and green fruits and veggies are loaded with health promoting nutrients. Here’s a closer look at why you should fill your plate and glass with some red and green goodness this holiday.

Maple Cinnamon Sweet Potato Wedges

A special twist on baked sweet potato fries -- these are sweet with a little salty.

Cold Busting Berry Smoothie

This quick and easy smoothie is a tasty way to support your immune system this winter (or even summer Down Under!)

What’s Really in That Sugar Cookie?

Where can holiday cookies fit into your healthy eating plan? What’s the difference between homemade cookies and store bought? Can you make a good tasting, healthy cookie?

Creamy Parsnip Soup

This soup is creamy and sweet AND healthy! Perfect for winter nights.