By Team Reboot
During summer, take advantage of the delicious fruits and vegetables that are in season, such as strawberries and tomatoes! Along with being seasonal and tasty, this produce is also full of nutritional benefits. Take red beets, which are loaded up with electrolytes. Or, maybe you love a bell pepper, which is chock-full of heart-healthy potassium.
1. Rainbow Summer Juice: This juice has only six ingredients, and adheres to the 80/20 vegetable-to-fruit ratio. As you drink, you’ll get some of the sweetness of the fruit, along with the flavors from vegetables.
2. Summer Sunshine Juice: Here’s an easy — and delicious — way to stay hydrated! This refreshing juice is full of tropical flavors, electrolytes and immune-supporting vitamin C.
3. Sweet Summer Juice: Peaches, apples and broccoli stalks? This surprising combo offers potassium, vitamin A and protein — along with some sweetness from the fruit.
4. Summer Camp Juice: Here’s a more grown-up version of “bug juice” complete with lettuce, apples and strawberries.
5. A Summer Green Juice: Got bushels of zucchini? Here’s the best way to use up some of that summer squash, especially with the sweet addition of some pears.
6. Greens and Peaches Juice: Bitter greens — like arugula — get their flavor balanced out with the sweet tang of immune-boosting peaches and carrots.
7. Colorful Coconut Juice: Ward off dehydration with the blast of electrolytes found in this beverage.
8. Refreshing Watermelon Juice: What screams summer more than a watermelon? This juice incorporates that amazing flavor, along with nutrient-rich chard.