
weight loss

From Six Mountain Dews to Six Juices A Day, Robert Loses Weight and Changes His Life

Once realizing his current lifestyle was hurting him, he turned to juicing and found more than just weight loss, he found a new way to live!

Down 225 Lbs., Kitten B. Can’t Imagine Her Life Without Juicing

I was walking on crutches to help me bear my weight, my left leg was swollen and purple and hurt to touch, I couldn’t wear normal shoes, I didn’t sleep well, I was miserable.

25 Year Old Tyler W. Transforms from “Funny Fat Kid” to “Funny Fit Kid”

After being known as the "funny fat kid" in his childhood, Tyler decided to take control of his health by incorporating a juicing regimen and more veggies into his diet.

Sandra M. Shares How a Reboot Saved Her Life

A Reboot changed Sandra's whole life in ways she never imagined. Since her reboot she's lost 92 lbs!

7 Ways to Break Through a Weight Loss Plateau

Hitting a plateau is normal! Age, weight, length of time you've been overweight, and gender all influence the frequency and length of time a plateau can last.

Chiropractor Finds Weight Loss Success in a Reboot & Encourages Patients to Do the Same

I went from weighing 213 lbs. to 180 lbs. and from a 38” waist to a 34” waist (less than I was in high school)!

Success Story: Allan R. Changes His Lifestyle and Diet after a 5 Day Reboot

"I feel better than I have in the last 20 years. This experience taught me I truly am what I eat."

After a 60 Day Reboot, Fidencio is 40lbs Lighter with a Brand New Wardrobe

After a 60 Day Reboot, Fidencio G. lost more than 40lbs, he lowered his cholesterol and triglycerides, his energy levels skyrocketed.

Deanna Finds Rebooting the Easiest Thing She Ever Did for Her Health

Deanna explains how Rebooting changed her life after completing three 30-Day Reboots. It was the easiest thing she ever did for her health.