Down 225 Lbs., Kitten B. Can’t Imagine Her Life Without Juicing

Name: Everyone knows me as Kitten B., my birth name is Elicia B.
Age: 38
Location: Centennial, Colorado

Reboot:  I first started trying to do a 60 day fast like Joe but I made it to 42 days. Since then I have done 7 and 10 day juice fasts every few months. I currently drink 2 juices a day and eat a very healthy dinner. Getting ready to start a 30 day Reboot with my Mom 🙂

Health Improvements: I was walking on crutches to help me bear my weight, my left leg was swollen and purple and hurt too touch, I couldn’t wear normal shoes, I didn’t sleep well,  I was miserable. After doing my Reboot I was off the crutches, my leg was almost back to normal, I was feeling amazing, I started to leave my house, I started walking and exercising. It was awesome. I was getting my life back.

What inspired you to do a Reboot?
Joe Cross and Phil, and my children and mom inspired me to try 🙂 <3

How did the experience go for you?
It was amazing. I can’t imagine my life without juicing.

Did you have any notable health or physical improvements?
I can walk without crutches, I can exercise, ride bikes with my kids, ride down water slides with my kids, I can go on hikes, I don’t have massive headaches, my skin cleared up, I can focus better, and I am in better check with my emotions.

What was the toughest part about the Reboot experience?
The first 3 days getting all the toxins out of my system was hard.

What habits have you maintained and kept a part of your everyday life?
I juice 2 meals a day and will continue that for life.

What is your lasting impression of the Reboot experience?
It saved my life and I tell everybody. I am now looking into school for Nutrition so I can help others!

Follow Kitten’s ongoing progress. 

Here she is with her kids (her motivation to get healthy!):