Success Story

Four Belts in One Year, From XXL to Medium

"After a month of my juice fast I started running. On April 13th I will be running the London Marathon." Read Christopher's full story.

“I was poisoned with medication!”

"I was depressed and the medication I was taking made me gain so much weight." Read Jeannette's full story of transformation.

100 Pounds Down & Now Buys Clothes off the Rack

I feel as though juicing was the exact thing that I needed to jump-start my new healthy life.

Four Diseases Gone, 45 Pounds Lighter

I had a blood test just 4 weeks after I started my first Reboot and 7 previously abnormal results were back to normal.

Camp Reboot Changed My Life

Going to Camp Reboot has been the best thing that has ever happened to me in a very long time. It has given me a purpose and a new drive in my life.

How I Melted Away Physical and Mental Weight

I have always been aware of health. Over the years though I have struggled with emotional eating & consequently my weight has yo-yoed more than once to various degrees.

From Bullied To Biking: My Journey to a 200 Pound Lighter Me

I do NOT follow a diet. I use the knowledge I have gained about foods and health living, and apply it to my life how I can. It is very much a personalized balance that I have found for myself.

Adam Shocked His Doctors After Rebooting 90 Days to Avoid Lap Band Surgery

I was inspired after reading Joe’s bio and then I realised I could easily take out the word Joe and replace it with mine.

Shannon Loses Weight, Gains Energy & Craves Healthy Foods

My blood sugar stabilized and my blood pressure went down; my cholesterol dropped 20 points. The best thing is I have more energy.