Adam Shocked His Doctors After Rebooting 90 Days to Avoid Lap Band Surgery

Name:  Adam Yorke
Age: 42
Location: Central Coast NSW
Reboot: 90

What health issues apply to you?
High Blood Pressure, High Cholesterol, Migraines, Obesity

How did you learn about Reboot with Joe?        
I was searching the internet for information on juicing after trying and failing every diet attempted. Found.

What inspired you to do a Reboot?        
I was inspired after reading Joe’s bio and then I realised I could easily take out the word Joe and replace it with mine. I started on 7/8/2013 at 112.8 kgs./249 lbs. after being told by my doctor to have lapband surgery as I was clinically severely obese. I refused and said I would lose the weight by natural means. He said if you were going to lose the weight you would have by now. True words maybe and very motivating.

I was on:
2 x blood pressure meds
1 x cholesterol meds
1 x anti stroke meds

I suffered from sleep apnea with levels so drastic that I had to sleep with a cpap machine turned up to the maximum.

I used a Ventolin puffer at twice the recommended usage due to my constant shortness of breath.

How did the experience go for you?
The first few days were hard but I was determined to last four days to at least give it a try. After four days I set my sights at 40 days and just repeated the 5 day juice only Reboot as I had found in the past that strict works best for me.

How much weight did you lose (even if that wasn’t your goal!)?
I lost 35 kgs./77 lbs. and still going. I went into a forced plateau for three weeks over Christmas and maintained my weight whilst still enjoying a modified festive season. Lots of good salads to be had.

Did you have any notable health or physical improvements?
So far I’m off all medication except the 1 x blood pressure which I have to be weaned off but will be off next week. And the anti-stroke which I will be off once i get an appointment from the specialist.

I no longer use the Ventolin and my cpap machine is set so low that I rarely use it and have booked in for a sleep study as they no longer believe I suffer from sleep apnea.

I maintained close contact with my doctor and had regular blood tests and the results were nothing short of spectacular.

I have gone from a size 117 in pants to an 82 and from a 3xl to a small-medium in shirts.

What was the toughest part about the Reboot experience?
I had cravings for fats and sugars but sweeter juices helped with that. I especially found it difficult to realize the more I lost, the more I had to lose.

What is your lasting impression of the Reboot experience?
It will continue to be a part of my day to day lifestyle. It has put myself and my family on the path to a healthy lifestyle and more importantly has educated my young children in the importance of healthy eating.