Four Diseases Gone, 45 Pounds Lighter

Name:  Andy S.
Age: 63
Location: London, UK
Reboot:  21 & 14
What Health Issues apply to you? Gout, High Cholesterol, Obesity

How did you learn about Reboot with Joe?
I was a bit of a slow starter. My wife and daughter had already seen Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead but my daughter eventually persuaded me to watch it with her. I learnt about Reboot with Joe from there and from the web.

What inspired you to do a Reboot?
I retired in March 2013. My immediate targets were to have a holiday in Sydney, Australia, then get healthier and address my medical issues. We watched Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead when I got back to the UK. Joe Cross and Phil Staples were (and still are) a huge inspiration. My daughter and I met Joe for the first time in July 2013 and I have been moving forward ever since.

How did the experience go for you?
The whole experience has been a positive one with remarkable results. In June 2013 I was just discovering how sugar and processed foods are behind so many chronic diseases, so I started eating more healthily and having juices with my daughter. I was reluctant to do a “juice only” diet because fasting can trigger gout. However, the day after we met Joe Cross in London last July I started a full Reboot. I only stopped after 21 days because I was happy with the stage I had reached.

How much weight did you lose (even if that wasn’t your goal!)?             
I lost 21lbs/10 kg. in those 21 days, but continued having juices every day alongside healthy eating. I lost 35lbs/16 kg. in two and half months. I put on a few pounds over Christmas and did a second Reboot in January for 14 days. I have now lost 45lbs/20 kg. in all since July 2013 (down from 227lbs/103 kg. to 182lbs/83 kg.).

Did you have any notable health or physical improvements?    
I had a blood test just 4 weeks after I started my first Reboot and 7 previously abnormal results were back to normal. I had asthma for around 40 years, high cholesterol, high uric acid and gout. The most remarkable thing is that they have all gone now and I am no longer on any medication. I am hoping that none of them come back but I have every reason to be optimistic. My wife and others keep telling me I look younger so I guess that says something.

What was the toughest part about the Reboot experience?
I thought the toughest part would be the change in lifestyle – e.g. not having a beer with friends, but I realise now a change was way overdue. The repetitive shopping, juicing and cleaning up can be a chore, but that is a very small price to pay for good health. I am not very good at exercising although I do a lot of walking. That is the next thing I will have to improve on.

What habits have you maintained and kept a part of your everyday life?
The first step for me was to cut out sugar and processed foods from my diet, which I have done for good and anyone can try. Then I learned the power of juicing, thanks to Joe Cross. From there I found Dr. Joel Fuhrman’s website and I have become interested in nutrition and health. So I plan to keep juicing, following Joe and eating healthily. I have great support from my wife and daughters. The exercise part is work in progress.

What is your lasting impression of the Reboot experience?
Joe Cross describes his experience as a journey, and that’s the way I look at my own more limited experience since I took this path. I would recommend the Reboot to anyone who genuinely wants to change by losing weight and/or relieving certain medical conditions. However, they have to realise that it is not just a short term fix but a positive change in lifestyle. There are “ups and downs” but they are only different ones from the ones you would have in your life anyway. It’s also taught me not to bother so much about food labels as most of what I now eat and drink doesn’t need one!