

You Know You’re on a Reboot When…(Funny!)

Rebooters can all relate to the following (funny) idiosyncrasies and thoughts that they experience while completing a Reboot plan. So we compiled a list of the most common experiences that let you know you're on a Reboot...

Top 10 Fruits & Veggies to Juice Right Now

Locally grown, seasonal fruits and vegetables are the way to go when it comes to finding and purchasing fruits and vegetables this coming season (and all the time).

Memorial Day Mint Mocktail

This is one of my favorite juices to get me in the summertime spirit and is the perfect way to kick off Memorial Day Weekend!

A Berry-Limeade to Quench Your Thirst

Try this delicious and creative juice recipe!

“Turnip” the Flavors of Your Green Juice

Get this recipe to "turnip" your flavors for your next green juice.

From Happy Mom to Super Happy Mom: Rossy Transforms After a 60 Day Reboot

Rossy was determined to lose the weight she had slowly been putting on since the birth of her four year old son.

After Refusing to Take Medication, Jaclyn Regained Her Health by Juicing and Eating Clean

I refused to take pills that my doctor offered. I did this to myself, so I was bound to fix it myself. I have dropped 50 lbs., and my thyroid has improved drastically.