
Blueberry & Goji Smoothie Bowl

A delicious smoothie bowl filled with antioxidants and proteins. A perfect way to start your day!

Rich & Creamy Red Velvet Smoothie

This is a creamy red velvet chocolate smoothie -- perfect for you to make for your honey on Valentine's Day (or for yourself of course)!

Easy Guacamole

The great thing about this guacomole is triple fold: You probably already have these ingredients in your refrigerator, its full of essential fatty acids and antioxidants and its EASY to make.

Avocado & Chia Seed Shake

If drinking the same juice over and over is getting boring, try switching it up by adding even more nutrients to your glass.

A Green Vanilla Shake

Put your produce to good use with this amazing breakfast smoothie!

Drink Your Leafy Greens Smoothie

This smoothie is an delicious way to consume lots of phytonutrient rich, leafy greens!

Meatless Monday: Fresh Veggie Enchiladas

These meatless, dairy-free, gluten-free Enchiladas are a perfect weeknight meal! Just about any veggie will work in this dish as well as a variety of spices.