11 Juice Ingredients that Balance Blood Sugar
If blood sugar is a major concern for you, the good news is that with the right habits you can help to balance it. Here are 11 ingredients you can add to your juices to help you along the way.
Insulin Resistance, Blood Sugar and Weight Management
One chemical process has a profound effect on our weight: insulin and insulin sensitivity.
How I’ve Cut My Type 2 Diabetes Meds in Half
Find out how Francis lowered her sugars, her diabetes medications, and her weight. And she's not done.
Shannon Loses Weight, Gains Energy & Craves Healthy Foods
My blood sugar stabilized and my blood pressure went down; my cholesterol dropped 20 points. The best thing is I have more energy.
Two 5 Day Reboots Transformed Cenk’s Life Forever
Immediately after I watched the film, I went and bought the same juicer that Joe had in the film. I tried 5 days of juice fasting and added juicing to my daily routine.
After Surviving A Heart Attack, Thomas Juiced For 170 Days to Regain His Health
The experience of dying at 58 years old accompanied by thoughts of never seeing my sons again, not completing my unfinished plans and promises...
Patrick Lost 143 Lbs (65 Kilos), 14 Inches from His Waist and Cut His BMI in Half
I used to dread looking in a mirror or getting on a scale because it brought me instant shame. Today I do both regularly to be sure I never see that obese person ever again.