Two 5 Day Reboots Transformed Cenk’s Life Forever

Name:  Cenk K.
Age: 47
Location: Istanbul, Turkey
Reboot: Two 5 Day Reboots

How did you learn about Reboot with Joe?
I was traveling often due to my job and spending long hours in airplanes and airports. To pass the time I would watch movies on my iPad, and then one day in November 2011, I watched FSND. I watched it several times alone and with my family.It immediately had a huge impact on me.

What inspired you to do a Reboot?
Like Joe in the beginning, I didn’t care or know much about proper nutrition, and gained more weight than I should. I was suffering from insulin resistance, and tried several dietitians that costs tons of money. None of them really helped me. On top of this, I was trying to work out, and never saw any visible impact. I was suffering from dermatitis, which caused rashes on my skin. I didn’t eat enough veggies, but after watching the film, I thought, hey, I can try drinking them! I don’t know why, but the idea of drinking green veggies had an immediate impact on me. It was like some kind of magical touch reached out to me.

How did the experience go for you?
Immediately after I watched the film, I went and bought the same juicer that Joe had in the film. I tried 5 days of juice fasting and added juicing to my daily routine. Since I was always traveling I wasn’t able to follow a strict regimen, but I Rebooted 5 days, two times, almost about a month apart. In between, I was drinking juice and replaced my typical dinner with green juice. I never had any difficulty on drinking green juice, not even on the first time. As the time goes, it grew like magic on me and I started to adore green juicing.

How much weight did you lose (even if that wasn’t your goal!)?
I lost about 29 lbs./13 kilos, and came down to a weight I hadn’t seen since my college years.

Did you have any notable health or physical improvements?
First, people started realizing a healthy glow in my face. I started feeling really great and energetic after going through the fasting periods. My insulin resistance disappeared, and my body pH level went up to 8.

What was the toughest part about the Reboot experience?
The initial 2-3 days of not eating anything and the habit of not chewing anything is a problem at the beginning. I also had a bit of a headache on the 2nd day, but it was not anything unbearable. The real trouble is the social side of not joining the others, and even if you join, when you don’t eat anything the reaction is somewhat awkward. Some really appreciate it, some become curious, and some react as if I protest their eating. After a while, people become accustomed to it. There was also some cravings at the beginning, but as you enter more into the juicing, you get to learn the aspects of healthy nutrition, and then you don’t crave a juicy steak or a donut anymore, but this is a process of transformation, which comes in time.

What habits have you maintained and kept a part of your everyday life?
I still juice very frequently. I Reboot for one week every two months to maintain what I have achieved. I also eliminated (mostly when I am at home and not traveling) dinner and replaced it with green juicing. I can say that the juicing has become a significant part of my life.

What is your lasting impression of the Reboot experience?
I think this is one of the best things anyone can do for themselves and even those around them.  I’ve personally influenced several people to try a Reboot and almost all of them have loved it and continued juicing. One very important thing is that this is a matter of transformation, and as such, juicing is a very good beginning. However, if you ignore the transformation and only follow a 10 day Reboot and then return back to the old habits, nothing works properly. People should understand this fact.