The Sweet Potato Toast Trend

Have you ever thought of using your toaster for something other than well, toast? That’s exactly what sweet potato toast is all about. You can replace that slice of bread with a slice of sweet potato instead. It’s an easy way to enjoy a comfort food without the extra calories or processed grains.

You may have noticed this trend with pictures popping up in your social media feed or food blogs, but here’s what you need to know.

This vegetable substitute for bread provides lots of nutrients. Sweet potatoes are high in vitamin A (in the form of beta-carotene), providing 369% of your recommended daily intake. They also contain vitamin C and B, potassium, calcium, manganese and fiber.

Sweet potato toast is vegan, paleo, gluten free and completely plant-based.

And here’s the sweet news for those feeling crunched on time. While sweet potatoes take up to an hour to roast in the oven, sweet potato toast takes only a few minutes to make. When I first saw this idea, I was in the kitchen in a flash toasting my sweet potato and trying out new tasty recipes.

You can make it savory or sweet.

Toppings can include:

The options are endless!

To make for yourself simply slice your sweet potato (skin is optional) in ¼ inch (½ cm) slices. I recommend buying a large sweet potato and cutting it in half then slicing longways to get best slices and then put them in your toaster until they soft enough to eat. This may take a few times in the toaster on high to get it right but once you know how long it takes then you’ll have it down pat. It usually takes about two rounds of toasting in pop-up toasters.

You can enjoy this with a knife and fork or simple enjoy with your hands as you would eat toast.

Nut Butter Sweet Potato Toast


  • 2 slices of sweet potato, cut into ¼ inch slices
  • 1 small banana, sliced
  • 1 TB of nut butter
  • Cinnamon
  • Honey
  • Touch of sea salt


    1. Scrub sweet potato or peel
    2. Slice into half then slice longways into ¼-inch thick pieces.
    3. Toast in a toaster on high until soft and slightly brown
    4. Top with nut butter, sliced banana, a drizzle of honey and a sprinkle of cinnamon and salt.
Yields and nutritional information are estimated and will vary depending on produce size and equipment used.