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Would you like to connect with other people doing a Reboot or just getting started juicing and eating more fruits and veggies?  At Reboot, we’ve witnessed first-hand the power that an online community can have for a large group of people.

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Learn about healthy habits, juice recipes, plant based eating  and more on Joe’s Blog

Sweet September Juice

This mostly-veggie (lime is the only fruit!) juice is full of health promoting antioxidants in the carotene family thanks to the red pepper and carrots.

3-Ingredient Kid-Friendly Juice

September is National Childhood Obesity Prevention Month, so this week's recipe is a simple 3-ingredient juice for everyone in your family to enjoy.

Ring the Bell Peppers Juice

A pleasantly sweet taste, this juice is delicious with a zesty and refreshing flavor thanks to the combination of the peppers and the pear. And it has a nice kick thanks to the ginger and lime! This juice is fantastic for healthy digestion.

Golden Sun Juice

Anti-inflammatory is the magic of this juice. If you are experiencing joint, tendon or arthritic pain, then this juice would be an excellent addition to your daily diet. This juice also benefits your liver and digestive health.

Oregano in a Juice? Yes!

The superstar of this juice is of course, the oregano. Here's why: it contains rosmarinic acid that has been found to be potentially beneficial to immunity; compounds called carvacol and thymol that contain potent antimicrobial benefits and lastly, it contains anti-inflammatory properties that may be beneficial to combating arteriosclerosis and metabolic syndrome.

Fennel in the Sun Juice

Finding some of the green juices too strong? This is a perfect juice to ease your way into the stronger green juices as its light and sweet.