By Freshmade NYC
Freshmade NYC warmed the kids’ bellies this week with delicious muffins packed with their favorite orange veggies (carrots and butternut squash) and topped them with a mouthwatering coconut whipped cream. They finished their afternoon by washing the muffins down with a super smoothie.
The kids learned all about orange veggies and their wonderful health benefits. Orange veggies are notably rich in beta carotene, vitamins A and C which are great for eyesight and fighting harmful free radicals. A few favorite orange fruits & veggies are sweet potatoes, squash, carrots, pumpkin, mango, oranges, papaya, turmeric, cantaloupe, bell peppers, guava, persimmons, etc.
Get the recipes for this week’s after school snacks and check out the kid-friendly books all about healthy eating:
Carrot-Squash Muffins with Coconut Cream
Books to read:
I Can Eat A Rainbow by Anabel Karmel
Eating the Alphabet by Lois Ehlert
Rah Rah Radishes by April Pulley Sayre