
After 30 Years of Arthritis Pain, I’ve Finally Found Euphoria

"The Reboot experience has given me back my life and a future that I never expected to have. I want everyone to feel as good as I do."

NY1 Reporter Dishes Out How She Improved Rheumatoid Arthritis

Find out how NY1 Reporter, Jamie Stelter, eats healthy to energize her to wake up at 3am and manage her rheumatoid arthritis.

From Using a Walking Stick to Running 4 Miles Pain Free

I was on a walking stick unable to walk any more than 20 meters/65 feet without being in severe pain. I started adding juice into my diet and it was life changing!"

From Happy Mom to Super Happy Mom: Rossy Transforms After a 60 Day Reboot

Rossy was determined to lose the weight she had slowly been putting on since the birth of her four year old son.

Trace Stops Taking 12 Pills A Day & No Longer Suffers From Life-Threatening Diseases

Every single physical problem I had, including Grave's Disease went away!

Lean Green Pineapple Juice

If you're wanting to ease into the dark leafy green juices, this is a lovely place to start. This sweet green juice has heaps of benefits. Find out what they are and get the recipe to start loading up on your greens today.

In the Reboot Kitchen: Splash of Sun

Drink up the sun’s rays with this fresh, fast and simple juice that’s sure to please the whole family.