Here’s to Making 2015 Your Healthiest Year Yet

My friend Joe Romano {featured in the image} woke up a few years ago on New Year’s Day and made a commitment to change his life for good. Due to his weight and unhealthy lifestyle, Joe used to suffer from debilitating joint pain that affected his sleep and ability to walk. It was so bad, that he couldn’t even carry the grocery bags. So, he set himself a New Year’s challenge to achieve a slim figure. After he watched, Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead, he jumped into a 75 Day Reboot, followed with another 60 Day and 30 Day. Now 130 lbs (60 kg) lighter, Joe now runs, trains for cross fit and can dead lift 225 lbs (103 kg)! And guess what? If he can do it, so can you.

No matter where you are on your journey to health — maybe you’re just beginning or maybe you’ve Rebooted and want to keep the healthy momentum going through 2015 — the one thing that we all have in common is that it’s time to make our New Year’s resolutions. It’s the time we commit to making this next year our healthiest year yet, we’ll promise to go to the gym more, and we’ll swear that we are not going to eat any more sweets.

Sounds easy on paper, but without the right support, resolutions can be hard to stick to.

For me personally, I think this time of year is ideal for a Reboot. It’s the circuit breaker to help you jump head first into making it your healthiest year by powering your body with plants, resetting your taste buds to stop wanting holiday cookies, and craving not only healthier foods, but healthier choices.

Whether it’s a 3 Day Reboot or a 30 Day Reboot, consider starting your 2015 with nothing but fruit and veggies and you may find that those resolutions are easier to stick to than you think.

To help you succeed, I believe support is key. And I’m making sure you have all of the Reboot resources you need to get there:

Reboot with Joe Juice Diet Book

Use the Reboot with Joe Juice Diet Book to find a plan, get the recipes, and be prepared for what to expect emotionally, psychologically and socially as you start transforming yourself into someone healthy, vital and well. I also share the details of my own journey that you might be able to relate to.

Reboot with a Coach

You don’t need to Reboot alone. We have Reboot nutritionists to coach you through a 15 or 30 Day Reboot. By signing up for a Guided Reboot, you’ll join other Rebooters with similar goals, you’ll have access to our nutritionists throughout your entire Reboot, and you’ll Reboot successfully.

 Next Available Dates


5 Days of Eating & Juicing + 10 Days of Juicing Only


5 Days of Eating & Juicing + 25 Days of Juicing Only

Read some amazing reviews that previous Guided Rebooters have shared with us. Here’s one that caught my eye:

“The most amazing nutrition plan I have ever found. Thanks so much for the great information on micro-nutrients and plant based diets. I lost 30 lbs on the 15 day plan (counting the warmup week), and stopped drinking. That is just amazing and I feel great…” – Steve G.

Track Your Reboot

Rebooters with an iPhone can download our new, free Reboot with Joe Juice Diet app that has everything you need to successfully Reboot – track food & juices consumed, exercise, how you’re feeling, progress and receive tips. For an in-app purchase you can get all of the plans and recipes that are featured in my Reboot with Joe Juice Diet Book.

Medical studies consistently show that those who keep track of what they eat are more successful at losing weight and keeping it off than those who diet but don’t keep a record of what they eat. Accountability is key, so no matter if you Reboot alone or with a coach, the app gives you more awareness of food choices and makes it easier to reevaluate eating habits and adjust your diet in line with your goals.

Don’t forget you can join thousands of other like-minded Rebooters in our community who are there to support you in every step of your journey to better health.

Juice On and here’s to a healthy start to 2015!

Joe Cross