Juicing saved my life

G’Day. I’m Joe Cross. Before I made my first film Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead, I was obese, loaded up on steroids and suffering from a debilitating autoimmune disease. I was at the end of my rope. Through juicing, I “rebooted” my life, lost 100 pounds and am free of symptoms of my autoimmune disease.*


*Individual results may vary. Reboots are not intended to treat, cure or prevent any medical or health condition. Reboots are not recommended for everyone, and before commencing a Reboot or any other nutritional or dietary regimen, you should consult with your qualified health care provider in order to assess any potential benefits or risks to you with consideration of your personal medical situation. You should also continue to work closely with your qualified health care provider if you intend to engage in a long-term Reboot.