Reboot ABCs: Streamline & Simplify Your Reboot Process

You’re committed to your Reboot and ready to go! You log onto and review the plans. You choose the Reboot that is right for you and review the pdf with sample meal plan ideas and recipes. You read the blog post on how to get ready. You may find yourself thinking — eeek there is a lot to do here! But don’t fret there are simple ways you can make preparing your Reboot foods and drinks an easy breezy part of everyday life.

And as a bonus, by developing a system for Rebooting you are creating your own personalized system for healthy eating that can last well past your Reboot. The latest research points to the importance of having an efficient, practical system that fits into the details of your everyday life, as one of the best predictors of making healthy changes last for the long run.

Time saving tips:

Plan ahead
– Review the sample meal plans (see downloadable pdf on Plan page) before starting your Reboot. Look at 3 days at a time and create a shopping list.
– Remember, you don’t need to follow the recipes exactly, they are suggestions. All veggies and fruits are healthy! Aim for a rainbow each day. When creating your shopping list include substitutions for ingredients in our recipes based on your personal taste preferences and what is available and in season near you.
– Plan to shop every 3 days or twice a week. This helps you keep produce fresh and cut down on waste.
– Here are ideas for Rebooting without breaking the bank
– Identify places you can grab fresh juice in a pinch. Search for local juice bars or restaurants and health food stores that serve juice.
– Scan for sales on produce to create your ingredient list. Then search for recipes or create your own.
– Set aside time to wash and cut prep produce for juice and snacks then follow storage guidelines.

– While you are cleaning up from dinner pack your lunch with leftovers for the next day.
– Make extra portions of recipes you enjoy most then refrigerate them into portioned out single servings. Keep in the fridge for 3 days. Freeze single serve leftovers you plan to use later on.

Make 1 ingredient the star
– I’m a big fan of Iron Chef America. Chefs make dishes revolving around their secret ingredient. Find an item in season and on sale then buy in bulk, like Strawberries. Then create your juices or veggie meals around this ingredient to help save money and cut back on waste. This will make your shopping and cooking/juicing quicker.

For example:
• Add some strawberry slices to your salad.
• Try this smoothie recipe
• Snack on a handful of strawberries between meals

Have the right tools
Seek out a few helpful kitchen gadgets and tools that can make your Reboot experience fun and easy.

Pulp it up!
Make use of your pulp with these creative ideas. You can also place a freezer bag in the pulp container of your juicer and freeze it right away after juicing. Be sure to label and date your pulp before freezing. Or even toss your pulp into pot and make broth. Let it cook while you clean out your juicer and get your meals or juice ready for the next day.

Juice now drink later
Make juice ahead of time but drink a dose right away for maximum nutrition. Drinking juice fresh is best but storing for 24 hours in the fridge is also a good option and helpful for staying on track.

Reboot with a coworker or neighbor. Make enough juice or veggie recipes for both of you and alternate days for cooking and prepping.

Front and Center
Keep produce visible and in the front of your fridge. During a Reboot, your whole fridge will probably be produce! But if your family or roommates aren’t Rebooting ask if you can keep your goods front and center to help curb any cravings or temptations. Chances are the whole household will be digging into more veggies and fruits this way.

We’d love to hear your tips and tricks for Rebooting success!