Meet JuiceLand, Our First Juice Bar of the Month

We know that making juice at home isn’t always possible for everyone but thanks to thousands of juice bars around the world, they make it easier for those who don’t have enough time, are traveling, or can’t find fresh produce drink their daily juice (or two or three or four). Juice bars help make more juice and more nutrients easier to consume, and essentially they are making our world a healthier place.  To celebrate their contribution, we’re beginning to feature a Juice Bar of the Month to recognize some of our favorite juice bars. You’ll get to know them better, find out what their most popular recipes are, and maybe even discover one that’s right in your area. If you haven’t seen it yet, make sure you check out our Juice Bar Finder that helps you locate a juice bar anywhere in the United States.

To kick off our monthly Juice Bar of the Month feature, we’re proud to have JuiceLand as our first. Not only do we love their juices, but they’ve also hosted a couple amazing book tour events for Joe Cross in Austin, TX. You can see the most recent one for the Reboot with Joe: Fully Charged Book Tour. 

JuiceLand Samples


Juice Bar Name: JuiceLand

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Juice Bar Location:
Headquarters in  Austin, TX
12 juice bars in Austin, TX plus 1 juice bar in Brooklyn, NY

How long has your juice bar been open?    
12 years

What inspired you to open your juice bar?  
Seeing the happiness that fresh juice brings to people.

Do you sell more than just juice? If so, what?
Superfood smoothies
Vegan & Gluten-free Salads
Healthy Snacks

Juiceland - Drinking Green Juice

What is your most popular juice recipe?
“Ninja Bachelor Party”
8 oz pineapple juice
4 oz celery spinach & kale juice
half jalapeño
dash himalayan salt
squeeze of lime

You can see the full recipe here on our site  — it’s one of our favorites too.

Ninja Bachelor Party Juice

What is your most popular non-juice recipe (if applicable)?  
“Chocolate Coconut Meat Pudding”
Coconut meat blended with 1 tablespoon raw cacao powder, dash of agave nectar, dash of vanilla

What is the most interesting combination you use in a juice recipe?   
“Tree of Life”
carrot • coconut water • beet • turmeric • ginger • lime • cayenne

If there’s one thing you want others to know about your juice bar, what is it?
Our staff is made up of a team of friends that have worked together for several years now, most core members have been on the team for over 7 years, helping us to open 10 new locations in the past 3 years.

Head over to our Juice Bar Finder and make sure your favorite juice bar in your local area is listed. If you have favorite juice bars you’d like to share
please go to my list at and add them using

If you are a juice bar owner and want to be a part of our Juice Bar Network, make sure you sign up for our monthly newsletter that’s completely dedicated to providing fun, useful information to our favorite juice bars. Each newsletter features a new Juice Bar of the Month, popular juice recipes, tips from Reboot nutritionists and much more!

Juice on!