Cold Weather, Warm Welcomes & Fresh Juices

Just when I think it can’t get much colder, I find myself in Toronto, Detroit and Chicago where temperatures are absolutely freezing! It was well worth it though because I met hundreds of great people who’s warm welcome melted the freezing cold right off of me!

I kicked off my time in Toronto with an interview on CTV Canada AM with Jeff Hutcheson where we juiced a Rainbow Juice, talked about my journey, and filled him on the book. Thanks for having me! You can watch the clip and get the Rainbow Juice Recipe here.

Great morning chat on @CTVCanadaAM ! Excited for my demo/talk at Linen Chest in #Toronto at 1pm! #joecrossbook

Then it was off to the Linen Chest.
It was a nice intimate group and we were able to juice the Rainbow Juice again and my Mean Green.

I got to meet inspiring families and I’m liking this trend that I’m seeing at most of my stops — the kids! Hopefully, they start drinking the fresh juices now.

Here’s something new I haven’t seen before! Natalie and Jane brought their mason jars for me to sign. How cool is that? And then Natalie even came to my second event at Indigo Bay. Appreicate the double dose of support Natalie!

The next stop in Toronto was Indigo Bay Bloor. We had 140 vibrant guests come out for the event!

One of them was a super inspiring Rebooter, Simon Cole. He is on day 78 of his Reboot and counting! He looks fantastic and from what he told me, he feels amazing too. Keep it up mate!

And most of them came full of questions which kept me on my toes and the audience all ears.

I think they liked the samples of the Mean Green too…

The next day I was on Humble and Fred Radio.  That was entertaining to say the least! Thanks for having me on the show guys.
If you want to listen to it, you can go to their archive and download it.

The interview was followed by nice events at Canadian Tire and Bed, Bath & Beyond. It’s amazing to me how at every single event I meet more and more people who truly inspire me. Whether they just started eating veggies or are on day 78 of their Reboot, all of their stories what keep me going!

I also met and interviewed with another juicing fan, Chris Howson on Proud FM Radio in Canada. Cheers to you mate — glad you’re enjoying the jucing! You can listen to the interview here.

After Toronto, I headed to Ann Arbor and Detroit in Michigan! We had fantastic events at Aventura in Ann Arbor and Drought Juice Bar in Detroit!

Here’s a snap of me in Ann Arbor juicing Mean Greens…

And here I am at Drought! I love this place — such a cool venue for a juice bar. Thanks for having me back!

Then it was off to Chicago! It was quite an adventure making it to the Fox 32 Chicago TV station because of flight delays and freezing temps, but I got there just in the nick of time and I had a great time juicing with Corey McPherrin. Thanks for having mate and thanks to Whole Foods in Chicago for bringing all of the Mean Green ingredients to the set!

Here’s a picture I posted on Instagram before the interview. Do you follow me on Instagram yet? You should @ JoetheJuicer!

And a tweet from Corey McPherrin! He’s now a believer in juice!

After the TV segment I headed to Old Orchard Barnes & Noble in Skokie. And wow, what a turnout! We had folks on two floors.  Thank you to everyone who came out. It was a fantastic event!

Big thanks to everyone who came out to support me this week. It’s off to Albany, Miami and Orlando next! Juice on!