By Isabel Smith, MS, RD, CDN
One of the most important components in achieving success when it comes to healthy eating, weight loss and weight management is support from the team and community that surrounds you. This includes friends, family, coworkers, significant others, spouses, partners, etc. The ideal scenario is everyone in our circle will support our decision to be healthy, but many times that’s not the case. And that lack of support is one of the biggest detriments to a weight loss plan. If you’re ready to make 2015 your healthiest year yet, then make sure you have the support.
Here are my favorite tips on how you can talk to your loved ones about how they can help support you through your healthy journey.
- Educate
One of the biggest barriers when it comes to support from those around us is due to lack of knowledge and understanding. For example when your loved ones don’t fully understand that juicing for 10 days straight is in fact safe for most of us, then they may be quick to judge you. When there’s lack of understanding or knowledge it can be easier for those around us to be more critical and less supportive. Point them in the direction of a place they can learn more. In the case of Rebooting, point them toward the Reboot with Joe website and make it a fun date night to cook a healthy meal and watch Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead 1 & 2 to gain more information. And you can even show them the success stories and how they’ve been able to change their life around.
- Speak Up
Discuss the reasons why you’re making changes for a healthier lifestyle. Maybe you just found out you are pre-diabetic, or maybe your blood pressure is too high, or maybe you just want to have more energy to play with your kids. No matter what your reasons are, the more open and honest you are with those around you, the more they will support you. How someone can help you will depend on who they are and what role they play in your life, but whether it’s your boss or your best friend, tell them why you’re making a change for a healthier lifestyle, exercise plan or whatever it is that you’re doing, it can make a difference.
- Be an Example
Stay strong and stay committed to your goals so when your results start happening you won’t need to convince them anymore why you are making healthy changes in your life. Setting examples for others can really make waves when it comes to not only helping those around you but also when it comes to gaining support for yourself. For example, if you are part of a lunch group, start bringing healthier lunch items and tell your peers why you’re doing so; or even better, bring something to share. Other ways to help spread healthfulness in your community and among your peers is to start a walking or cooking group, this way you can start to involve those around you, which can also help to gain interest in what you’re doing!
- Communicate the Change
Your spouse or partner is probably the most important person when it comes to helping you facilitate your healthy lifestyle and behavior modification; after all, they may still be buying twinkies when you’re on your juice fast, which can make the already challenging process even harder. The most important aspect when it comes to gaining support from spouses and partners is proper communication about the changes you’re making and how they can help. Often, I find that when partners or spouses understand why their actions are important to you, it can be easier to better communicate and understand each other.
- Compromise {If you must}
If you cannot find common ground and continue to have trouble compromising, I recommend outlining specific areas to keep the foods that are important to both of you. Try to keep them separate so that there is a barrier and a designated area for your healthy food. Alternatively, you can suggest that unhealthy foods are kept out of the kitchen, following the idea of out of sight, out of mind. The goal here is compromise.
- Double the Fun
Encourage someone, whether a coworker or spouse, to join you on your healthy journey. When two people are involved you’ll feel more accountable and you’ll be able to help someone else get healthy in 2015. You can even get your kids involved. Have them pitch in and help with recipe preparation, it may help to get them interested in healthy food preparation and getting them involved in the process and may promote their choosing healthier foods in general.
Don’t forget that these changes take time! Be patient and don’t give up on your path toward continuing to make healthy choices and changes.