5 Resolutions You Don’t Want to Make

We all do it – when January 1st rolls around we sit down and make resolutions for the New Year. Typically those resolutions are ones we believe we will stick to, no matter what!  I’m sure you’ve thought of excellent ideas to keep your mind, body and soul in their best shape, so here’s to a happy and healthy New Year. I know you can do it! Just be mindful, when you are making resolutions, don’t make them too specific, too vague or too impossible. Here are 5 resolutions you shouldn’t write down this year:

1.) I will run everyday no matter what.
What if it’s icy outside for your run? What if you are sore and your joints are achy or your injured from a long run the day before?  Cross training can be very beneficial like integrating yoga or cycling to alternate your run/jog/walk days so consider a resolution that isn’t so restrictive…”I will commit to moving my body at least 30 minutes four days per week.”

2.) I will only drink green juice and nothing else.
Don’t get me wrong, green juice is healthy but a variety during a juice only Reboot is important to be sure you take in a full spectrum of nutrients to support your health. If you choose to Reboot, be sure to consume a rainbow of colors ranging from green, red, orange, yellow and purple. After your Reboot, don’t be afraid to eat fruits and vegetables and other plant-based foods that offer nutrients.

3.) I will eat healthier.
Vague goals are hard to stick with.  Saying I will exercise “more” or “eat healthier” is nebulous and harder to stick with.  Rather, make your goal specific, like I will eat a salad each night with my dinner or I will drink a fresh juice for breakfast instead of a donut on my way to work.

4.) I will switch to just organic produce this year.
While organic can be important for some veggies and fruits, like those on the dirty dozen list, buying all organic can get pricey and end up leading to less fruits and veggies in your day to day diet.  Look for local first and don’t forget frozen organic is a good option (just thaw before juicing).  In the end, consistently eating and drinking fruits and vegetables is most important when it comes to what research shows a plant-based diet can do for your health and wellness.  Check out Joe’s budget friendly juicing tips.

5.) I’m going to get healthy alone to show the world what I can do.
Losing weight and exercising more regularly, like most things in life, are more successful and enjoyable when you do it with others.  Having support and expert guidance is key for success.  Join Joe’s Community page on Facebook