My Reboot was 30 of the hardest days of my life, but also the most amazing

Name:  Zach Bohannon
Age: 29
Location: Nashville, Tennessee USA
Reboot: 10/10/10

How did you learn about Reboot with Joe?
I was surfing through Netflix one night in the fall of 2011 and came across ”Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead” and was too intrigued not too watch.

What inspired you to do a Reboot?
I started losing weight in May of 2011 and lost 30 pounds/14 kg. in 3 months. After going on vacation, I did not get back into my  ”routine” and gained back 15 pounds/7 kg. The movie inspired me to change my life and quit dieting. So on January 14th, I started a 10/10/10 reboot (10 days of vegan eating with 1 juice a day, 10 days of juice fast, 10 days of vegan eating with 1 juice a day).

How did the experience go for you?
It was 30 of the hardest days of my life but one of the most amazing things I have ever done. So many times in my life I had started something and not finished and it was amazing to finish.

How much weight did you lose (even if that wasn’t your goal!)?
I lost 38 pounds/17 kg. in 30 days. Because the Reboot completely changed how I wanted to eat and how I looked at food (I did not eat any vegetables before the Reboot), I was able to lose an additional 60 pounds/27 kg. the rest of the year, giving me a 95 pound/43 kg. weight loss in 12 months and a total weight loss of 115 pounds/52 kg. which I have kept off.

Did you have any notable health or physical improvements?    
The biggest thing is that I have not been sick in over two years. Not even a cough or sore throat. I drastically lowered my blood pressure. I was pre-diabetic before and that was gone. I no longer snore when I sleep. I have a ton of endurance and can play hockey a lot easier now.

What was the toughest part about the Reboot experience?
The second day. I feel like all the detox happened on the second day and it was definitely the toughest part. After that, I felt full of energy and did not get hungry much. The mental part of not chewing for 10 days was tough but I was able to truck through it.

Fortunately, my wife Kathryn did it with me. She ended up losing 20 pounds/9 kg. during the Reboot and 80 pounds/36 kg. total! I am so grateful for this as she is now pregnant with our first child and so much healthier!

What habits have you maintained and kept a part of your everyday life?
Nutrition is essential. My health is a top priority. I don’t eat fast food and I primarily eat single ingredient foods. When I do buy multi-ingredient foods, I make sure it is organic, non-GMO, and that all the ingredients are things I could eat on their own. I buy most of my food locally including raw, unpasteurized milk and fermented foods. I eat mostly raw every day and when I do eat meat, I only buy it locally.

In addition, I work out 5 days a week and absolutely love being active in the gym, cycling outside, or playing hockey.

What is your lasting impression of the Reboot experience?
It changed my life forever. I went into it just hoping to lose weight and I got so much more. It completely changed how I looked at food. I got the weight off and became a personal trainer and I wrote a book.

I do a 5 day Reboot at least once a year to cleanse and remember my roots.

Learn more about Zach’s transformation:
Juicing Radio
recently interviewed him to get more details of his journey. Listen to the interview.

Read Zach’s Book:I Once Was Fat But Now I See: A Basic Guide to Weight Loss Through Holistic Living
Twitter:  zachbohannon32
Instagram:  zachbohannon
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