weight loss success

Juicing 2 Meals a Day Helped Me Shed 110 Pounds

After struggling with maintaining weight loss for over ten years, Mario finally found the answer in a Reboot.

How I Shed 85 Pounds with Juice & Exercise

"My father had diabetes and lost part of his foot. I didn't want to go down that road and with a cholesterol of 419, it seemed like that's where I was headed."

I Lost 80 Pounds in 100 Days, But I Also Saved My Life

Kari Rebooted for 100 days and her reasons were far beyond weight loss. Read about her journey that saved her life, her marriage, her health, and her happiness.

What an 85-Pound Weight Loss Feels Like Mentally

Go inside Scott's 85-pound weight loss journey that results in much more than just weight loss.

Juicing Helped Us become the Type of Parents We Wanted to Be

Weight wasn’t an issue for me until I left the service and Vanessa only gained after having two children less than 2 years apart.

What My Doctor Learned from Me

"My doctor took my blood pressure medication from 100mg to 50mg to 25mg and today, nothing!

Bobby Reached Under 300 Lbs for the First Time in 16 Years

I wanted to go into 2014 setting some serious goals for myself, both physically, musically, and mentally"

How to Create A Healthy Weight Loss Plan…That Works!

Are you feeling stuck in achieving your weight loss goals? Don’t panic! Here are five simple steps to help you get started.