What Your Outsides Say about Your Insides
Ever wonder what your skin, nails and hair can tell you about your health and nutrition status? Read on to find out what your outward appearance says about you.
Kathlyn Finds Juicing to Be “The Secret Elixir” to Curing Her Severe Acne
I struggled with severe acne for the past four years. After numerous failed visits to the dermatologist, I watched “Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead” which inspired me.
Kevin Rebooted After He Realized He Spent More Time in the Drive-thru Than His Own Kitchen
I’m amazed by how much better I feel and how much more energy I have.
Naturally Protect Your Skin from the Sun (with food!)
Consuming a healthy diet full of natural sun-blocking antioxidants can help protect your skin in the summer.
Adam & Alodie Find Strength in Rebooting Together
Our minds are very clear and sharp, and we feel lighter and more energetic like we are in younger bodies. Our passion for life has heightened and we look younger.
Radiant Skin Begins With Clean Plates
Glowing skin is anything but skin deep: our epidermis is often the visible scorecard for how well we eat. Here is a shortlist of my favorite go-to beauty foods.
A Glowing Study: Fruit and Vegetables Can Make Us More Attractive
Learn how important what you eat and drink is for skin health and complexion.