At Age 44 with MS, Gus Finally Lost His Extra Weight after a 60 Day Reboot

Name:  Gus S.
Age: 44
Location: Scotland
Reboot: 60 days

How did you learn about Reboot with Joe?        
Using your website we found the Reboot plan and followed it for 60 days for Gus to lose weight.

What inspired you to do a Reboot?
I’m Gus’s partner writing this up for him. Gus has MS so it is very hard for him to exercise regularly due to the fatigue issues that come with the disease. We were very inspired with Joe’s story, so Gus decided to give it a try. The weight he carried was a problem as it’s more work for his muscles and he doesn’t need the extra stress of being overweight and suffering with MS at the same time. This technique seemed to be a good way to lose the weight and possibly benefit from having more micronutrients in his system – hoping perhaps some of the symptoms could be helped as well.

How did the experience go for you?
It went extremely well! Gus felt great on the diet and didn’t have a problem adjusting to the diet at all. We followed Joe’s advice and juicing recipes and he had five juices per day. I had a hard time finding kale in the area in May/June so I decided to grow kale on our own and we now have a bumper crop to juice!

How much weight did you lose (even if that wasn’t your goal!)?
He lost 2 stone (or 30 lb/13.6 kg) in 60 days. He went from 225 lb/102 kg to 196 lb/89 kg.

Did you have any notable health or physical improvements?
I think so (he is unsure), but I have seen improvements in his balance and his energy levels. I also think he sleeps better at night. He still has good days and bad days but he has definitely lost the weight so that can only help! He plans on losing another stone before the end of the year, being happy to be 180 lb/82 kg or 175/79 kg.

What was the toughest part about the Reboot experience?
The girlfriend (me) eating fish suppers in front of him. I should be ashamed!

What habits have you maintained and kept a part of your everyday life?
We’ll still juice in the morning and evening, and eat healthy (sticking to a recommended MS diet called the Wahls diet). Coconut water as well will be kept up in the mid-mornings.

What is your lasting impression of the Reboot experience?      
It is a miracle! I don’t think with Gus’s health issues he could have ever lost the weight without a large struggle because exercise is just not easy when you have MS. It’s a lifesaver really.