By Claire Georgiou, Reboot Naturopath, B.HSc ND
Want a fun way to include juice in your dessert? Try this sorbet. The recipe does contain coconut sugar, which has a low glycemic index, and should be consumed in moderation. This sorbet provides the benefits of polyphenols that help reduce the effects of oxidative free radical damage. Polyphenols play an important role in preventing and in reducing the progression of diabetes, cancer, heart disease and risk factors associated with obesity. Polyphenols also play an important role as a prebiotic to enhance the good bugs in our digestive system.
Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook Time: 4-6 hours (to chill)
Servings: 4-6
Beet – carrot, pumpkin, sweet potato
Apple – Pear
Carrot – sweet potato
Blackberries – blueberries, cherries, strawberries
Monk sugar – coconut sugar