2 Weeks Juicing Turned into A Lifetime of No Medication

Jeanette shared part of her success story on the Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead facebook page, so we reached out and asked her to share more details for our Reboot community. Her story is unique because weight loss was never her goal — she never weighed herself before she started her Reboot (she doesn’t own a scale!). What she was able to achieve is remarkable and her health and her life have changed forever. No more medicine, no more hives, and weight loss was a bonus. Read her story to find out how she got to her current state of happiness and health.

Name:  Jeanette Stenhouse
Location: Canada
Reboot: 2 weeks
What Health Issues apply to you?
Autoimmune issues, High Blood Pressure, Migraines, Obesity
Did you Reboot to lose weight? No

How did you learn about Reboot with Joe?
My daughter, Marybeth, told me she wanted to do a juice fast after watching Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead. I didn’t think that sounded too healthy, so I told her I’d have to watch the video first. At that point, I’d had chronic hives for a year. I sat down with my knitting to watch it, and when Joe said chronic urticaria, I put down my knitting and sat there totally absorbed in the video. I started researching juicers the next day, and decided to order the one that Joe used. While I was waiting for it to arrive, I bought a cheap used juicer and started my juicing journey.

What inspired you to do a Reboot?
I needed to get rid of my chronic urticaria and angioedema. I was learning to live with the daily hives, but when I had swelling on my face or tongue, I would go to the hospital and they would give me prednisone. I knew how bad prednisone was, so I was willing to try anything else.

How did the experience go for you?
The first 3 days were horrible. After that, I started to feel really good. I recommend to people starting to juice, to do at least 5 days to start. I started with a 2 week juice fast. That seems to be my limit.

How much weight did you lose (even if that wasn’t your goal!)?             
I wish I had weighed myself before, and taken a proper ‘before’ picture. We don’t own a scale, so I have no idea how much weight I’ve lost!

Did you have any notable health or physical improvements?
I used to get headaches 2 or 3 times a week. Since I started juicing a year ago, I haven’t had a single headache. I have no more aches and pains. My blood pressure is normal now. And I have so much more energy. I’m completely off all medication, including over the counter meds. I just don’t need them. My hives haven’t completely gone away. If I’m exposed to something I shouldn’t have, like nightshade vegetables, I still get them. But, they are completely under control since I started juicing. I have my life back, thanks to Joe Cross. Before I saw the video, I didn’t know anyone else who had CU. Knowing I wasn’t alone in this really helped my mental state. The Reboot with Joe Community has also really helped me.

What was the toughest part about the Reboot experience?
The hardest part of juicing, for me, is making it affordable. When I started, I loved cucumbers but I hated them in juice. Now, I juice at least one cucumber every day.

What habits have you maintained and kept a part of your everyday life?
I have at least one juice a day now. I’ve completely eliminated processed food from my diet. I do a 2-3 day juice fast every couple of weeks. I eat mostly fruits and vegetables and protein.

What is your lasting impression of the Reboot experience?      
For me, it’s been a lifestyle change. I can’t imagine not juicing. I feel absolutely fantastic. My husband and our daughter are also juicing.

Want want to hear from you. Share your own success story with us!