Down 85 Pounds, Martin Now Inspires 7 People a Week to Start A Reboot

Name: Martin McGregor
Age: 44
Location: Andover Hampshire, U.K.
Reboot: 60 Days

At 43 years old my life was heading toward an early grave. My blood pressure was skyrocketing, I was 143 kg/315 lbs and miserable with my life. After my second marriage broke up I was in pieces and turned to food and alcohol for comfort. After seeing a picture of myself, I was shocked and was finding it hard to find clothes that would fit me.

Then yet another relationship failed, and it was no surprise. I hated myself and only carried on for my sons and my mother. I was at my lowest ever.

I set about trying to change and through harsh diet regime and strenuous exercise, I managed to lose 20 kg/44 lbs. I went out and celebrated by treating myself to food, and within a few months I was back to 135 kg/298 lbs and miserable again.

I was laying in bed late one night, my breathing was laboured, I was on statins, blood pressure tablets gout tablets, taking kelp for an underactive thyroid and anti depressants. I was now desperate to change, but couldn’t find the strength to do so. Then on Netflix I stumbled across Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead. I was hooked. Seeing how Joe and Phil lost so much weight, I was desperate to try it. There was one issue though. I hated vegetables, and wasn’t keen on fruit either. Still I had to try it.

I bought a juicer and set about juicing. I managed seven days but really struggled, but found I actually liked some of the juices, which shocked me. I lost nearly a stone. Then I went back to normal eating for a while and put on a few kilos. I tried again and only managed three days, and was soon back to 135 kg/298 lbs. I told myself that I had to do this. So I set a target of 100 kg/220 lbs in places and asked for sponsorship for a children’s hospice called Naomi house.

I started the 60 day fast, and came close to breaking a few times, but I continued, and the weight just flew off. My clothes became baggy, and I had more energy. I felt happier in myself and started sleeping better. My energy went up, so I made the gym nearly every day. After 60 days I had lost 26 kilos/57 lbs, so I had a few days on light healthy foods. I then decided to come back to juicing as I haven’t made my target, and I was missing my daily juices! I am now at 105 kg/231 lbs, and hopeful that now I feel better about myself, I might have more luck finding love.

I have a whole new wardrobe, am very happy in my life and now through Facebook, I recruit seven people every week to start juicing. Last week the seven of us lost 20 kg/44 lbs. I am going to remain juicing in some form for the rest of my life, and I will always be thankful to Joe for helping me turn my life around. My blood pressure is normal, my gout doesn’t flare up and I am free of anti depressants for over two months. I have also encouraged two of my sons to lose weight, and I feel immensely proud helping others to lose weight.