By Isabel Smith, MS, RD, CDN
At Reboot, we’ve witnessed firsthand the power that an online community can have for a large group of people. Reboot’s community is more than 221,000. Many of these members log on every day either to seek support, provide it for others, or even share a new recipe they recently created in their own kitchens. Our Rebooters tell us all the time that our community is sometimes how they were able to complete their Reboot. Without that support, it wouldn’t have been possible.
Reboot Success Story, Kate Elinsky, shared her story and said that the community group “Fabulous Fatties” saved her life. You can read her amazing story here and just see how wonderful she looks!
There’s now research to prove that online communities work. Recent research suggests that connecting with others in an online community platform may be the key to weight loss success. Researchers found that those who connected with the most people in their online social community lost about 7% weight, versus those with the least activity in their online community saw only a 4% decrease in weight.
Are you looking to connect with an online community?
Our free online community here at Reboot with Joe has over 221,000 users, 565 groups, and over 21,000 different discussions going on right now. Connecting with our site is free and easy, and regardless of what you’re looking for whether it’s juicing, healthy living, or exercising, we’ve got it all.
Jump right in by joining on of our groups! Here are some of the most popular:
Saying Goodbye to 100 Pounds or More
Juice Your Way to a New Life in 2015
and many many more!