Making a Change

Dear Rebooter,

If you’ve seen Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead, you know that I looked in the mirror one day and realized that I had been going down the wrong path for far too long. It took a full stop and complete change of behavior to correct the problem and return me to health. That experience taught me that in order to really change something that isn’t working for you, you begin by acknowledging the issue and if needed, start over from scratch — or as I called it, Reboot.

So it’s time for me and the Reboot team to do just that to our online community –

For the past 8 weeks the Reboot community hasn’t had the site we hoped for when we built the newest and latest version, and I am truly sorry for any inconvenience that has caused you. We thought the site had been built to grow with the community and provide you with the features and benefits you deserve, and which would make your personal journey to health and wellness easier. Unfortunately, it simply could not scale fast enough to keep up with our growing membership.

We’ve been trying to address each problem as it arises, keeping people working around the clock. Unfortunately, it’s a bit like the Whack-a-Mole game, where one problem is corrected but another one immediately pops up. We’ve asked for your patience repeatedly and I continue to be blown away as how supportive everyone has been. However, as the Reboot movement continues to grow around the world, we need a more comprehensive solution. We need to begin over, and build something that will support you all as you grow from hundreds of thousands of passionate Rebooters to millions across the globe. We’re going to get working on that right away, and will exhaust every effort to have it ready for you as quickly as possible.

You will continue to have a site during our development phase, which will begin at the end of May. As a thank you, we’re even going to make it possible for our U.S. based Rebooters and your friends to watch the movie from the site – for free. You’ll also be able to access our Reboot meal plans, find recipes to inspire and delight you with great flavors, and enjoy our blog, filled with the tips, expert profiles and great information that make your life healthier and happier. And of course, we’ll still be hosting the conversation on Facebook and Twitter, to make sure that you are able to celebrate, learn from and inspire each other.

Rest assured that we will be devoting 100% of our efforts to making the new site engaging, useful and fun – in short, a community that is a reflection of YOU and your fellow Rebooters all over the world.

It is our mission to support each of you on your health journey, and we are committed to doing that as quickly as possible. Thank you for your continued commitment to Reboot Your Life.