
June Group Reboot – Day 3: Recipe Of The Week

Welcome to DAY 3 of the Group Reboot – Congratulations on getting to Day 3 – this is an exciting choice you have made for yourself, taking that big step towards a healthier new you!

My name is Claire Georgiou, I am an Australian naturopath working for the Reboot community to answer any nutritional questions about the Reboot or other juicing questions you may have. I joined the Reboot team in November of last year, I was very excited to join the team as I’m a big believer in the healing powers of fresh juice. In clinic I have seen the benefits of juicing over the years. Juicing can help improve general health and well-being and it may help alleviate digestive concerns, liver inflammation, fatigue, inflammatory conditions, aches and pains, migraines and skin conditions. It can also help maintain a healthy weight and improve the skin complexion.

I hope you are all getting into your Reboot now and enjoying the process. How are you all feeling? Day 3 is famous for being a little tough sometimes, it can be a day where the height of your detox symptoms may be occurring such as aches and pains, fatigue, low blood sugar, diarrhea and/or constipation and headaches, just remember this will pass.

There are many things that you can do to reduce these symptoms such as drinking plenty of water throughout the day. On rising, drink 2 glasses of warm water with the juice of a fresh lemon, drinking herbal teas such as chamomile, peppermint and ginger can also help reduce the symptoms experienced. Having plenty of rest is highly recommended and doing gentle exercise. Making sure you are drinking enough juice, we recommend 4-6 juices per day with 16-20oz(480-600mls) per juice if you are doing a juice only Reboot.

It is so beneficial to discuss any experiences, good or bad, that you may be having with the community. It is amazing to see the support people can provide to each other to help push through those tough moments and for the more complicated questions myself and Stacy Kennedy are happy to answer any questions. You can find us in the “Ask The Nutritionist” Forum.

Happy Juicing!

Here is one of my personal favourites you can try for the day!


  • ½ – 1 beet (beetroot) – You can add a few beet leaves to increase the nutritional content, although this will add bitterness to the juice
  • 1 carrot
  • 2 celery sticks – you can also add some celery leaves to this juice – this can also change the flavour
  • 1 lemon
  • 1 in (2.5 cm) piece of fresh ginger


  1. Wash all produce well.
  2. Peel the lemon (optional).
  3. Juice ingredients.
  4. Pour over ice.
  5. Serve and enjoy!

Servings: 1

Serving Size: 16 oz (500 ml)


  • Beetroot – carrot, pumpkin (winter squash), watermelon, tomato, plum, orange
  • Carrot – sweet potato, pumpkin (winter squash), orange, mandarin
  • Celery –apple, zucchini, cucumber
  • Lemon – yellow grapefruit, pineapple, lime, orange
  • Ginger – chili, turmeric