
Joe’s Juice Box – March 8, 2013

Joe's Juice Box
This is my chance to get up on the proverbial soapbox and share musing and interesting links from around the web. What’s up this week:

  1. My friend and nutritional expert, Alex Jamieson, who is also featured in an upcoming episode from The Joe Show, recently confessed to her community that after 13 years, she is no longer vegan:  https://alexandrajamieson.com/blog/. I’m a strong believer that our lifestyles and our diets do not need to be determined by a specific title – vegan, vegetarian, paleo, pescatarian. Don’t label yourself, don’t make it all-or-nothing. Find a diet that works for you. Everything in moderation along with lots of fruits and veggies. Good on ya Alex!
  2. And speaking of finding a diet that works for you, Mark Bittman is featured in Outside Magazine discussing why he decided to go vegan until dinner time. It’s a great article where he questions: How do you get people to turn the way they eat upside down, so that the majority of daily calories come from fruits and vegetables? How do we return to the notion that meat, fish, poultry, cheese, and dairy should be designated as occasional treats, not staples? Check out his plan here: https://www.outsideonline.com/fitness/nutrition/Real-Men-Love-Kale.html
  3. NYC-based Well and Good features interesting articles on a daily basis and last week the one on HPP juices caught my eye.  HPP is a way of pasteurizing juice so the bacteria are killed but not all the good enzymes. (Reboot Your Life Juices in Australia are HPP.) Some in the juice world say fresh juice is the only options, others advocate for HPP.  Of course fresh juice is best. But if you don’t have time to juice or are not conveniently located next to a juice bar, you can have store bought HPP juice.
  4. This is a scary one! Flame Retardant in your Mountain Dew? Drinking a soda? Check the ingredient list and then check out this article “Dear Clean Plates What is Brominated Vegetable Oil” for another reason to choose juice over soft drinks.
  5. If you’re struggling to get your kids to eat their veggies, well good news. Australian scientists have discovered one new trick — cook veggies the way kids like them best. It turns out they are just like Goldilocks — they like them just right. That means not too mushy and not too crunchy. Check out my article on Huffington Post to help you get your kids eating just right: https://www.huffingtonpost.com/reboot-your-life/if-you-want-your-kids-to-_b_2805968.html
  6. Does drinking wine seven nights a week sound enticing to you? Well the New York Times featured research that found 30 percent of heart attacks, strokes and deaths from heart disease can be prevented in people at high risk if they switch to a Mediterranean diet rich in olive oil, nuts, beans, fish, fruits and vegetables, and even drink wine with meals.  https://www.nytimes.com/2013/02/26/health/mediterranean-diet-can-cut-heart-disease-study-finds.html?hp
  7. Going gluten-free is all the rage these days, and for obvious reasons, but why is it so much more prominent now than it was 50 years ago? This New York Times article breaks it down for you: https://www.nytimes.com/2013/02/24/opinion/sunday/what-really-causes-celiac-disease.html?ref=opinion&utm_source=buffer&buffer_share=9ab39&_r=0

Read or watch anything interesting lately? Let me know via the comments box.

Juice on!
