Joe’s Journal: Day 53 – Making Good on My Promise

Since I’m on the topic of Phil, I’d like to flash forward a few months and give you more details on how him being in the movie came about.

Little did I know, one day, nearly six months after my Reboot, I checked the voicemail on my American cell and was startled to hear the voice of Phil Staples, the truck driver from Iowa I’d met in Winslow. He didn’t say much in the message, but I could tell from his tone that something was wrong; frankly he sounded desperate. What he did say was that he’d decided to turn to me for help because he was running out of options.

When we finally spoke he told me that he felt he was at a crisis point in his life. He told me that his weight was skyrocketing and the urticaria outbreaks were worsening. His state of mind, he confided was darker than it ever had been. Now, I didn’t know this guy at all, except for our brief encounter months ago in a truck stop parking lot. But I could identify with him in a lot of ways, especially because he and I shared the same rare autoimmune condition. I had told him way back in Arizona that he could count on me, and I had no intention of letting him down. I congratulated him on reaching out for help and told him I would make good on my promise.

Have you been following my past journal entries? Make sure you catch up here.  I’m sharing these thoughts with you as part of the 2nd Anniversary celebration of Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead so I hope you are either able to relate or be inspired by my journal entries.